Our Services
ToGather provides end-to-end community engagement services. From initial goal setting and engagement planning through implementation and evaluation, we have you covered. ToGather uses a racial equity lens through the engagement lifecycle to ensure inclusive and accessible opportunities to gather.
Community Engagement Strategic Planning
We work with your team to develop a strategic engagement plan that centers community needs. Plans typically include goal setting, stakeholder mapping, strategy and tactics development, and evaluation plans.
Engagement Evaluation and Feedback Loops
Evaluation is often the most overlooked in community engagement. ToGather emphasizes creating and maintaining feedback loops throughout a project or program lifecycle to ensure effective and inclusive engagement. We can facilitate post-mortem conversations, surveys, and other evalutaion tools.
Training Development
Fostering internal staff development can lead you to better community engagement results. We can help you create staff trainings to build organizational capacity and knowledge.
​Well-facilitated meetings encourage inclusive and meaningful engagement! We facilitate stakeholder meetings, open houses, and town halls with compassion and structure. We can support stakeholder groups from the planning phase through implementation.
Communications and Messaging
We have a knack for distilling complex information into digestible messaging to inform impacted stakeholders and broad audiences. Anybody read a thrilling fact sheet on roundabouts lately? Let us transform your messaging!
Community Engagement Coaching
Need ongoing support or thought partnership to navigate reaching the hardest to reach communities or creating innovative engagement tactics? Consider ongoing coaching for thought partnership from a seasoned professional.